Life through the looking lens

"Life is like a camera, focus on what is important, capture the good times, develop from the negatives, and if things don't work out take another shot" - unknown

Life gets so busy, one moment your alarm is blaring for you to wake up, and in the blink of an eye, the sun is setting and it's time for dinner. Where did the day go, and did you accomplish what you needed to for the day? The average individual rarely takes daily pictures of what they are doing throughout the day. But what would happen, if we all just slowed down for a minute and enjoyed the moment we're in and captured them forever? 

Photograph simple things, whether it's your cup of coffee in the morning that makes you smile or a picture of the office you get to work in that day, or even possibly seeing your kids' smile when they see their friends when you drop them off at school. In the blink of an eye everything in life can change, kids grow up, jobs change, remembering the good times can be forgotten or become a distant memory. Some say pictures are worth a thousand words, honestly, pictures are worth more than that, because they represent moments in life that can never be replicated. 

In 1970, mankind as a whole, took about 10 billion photos in a year, in today's society, that the yearly number is closer to approximately 380 billion. With the advancement of technology, the possibilities and opportunities to capture everyday moments become endless. 

Life is too precious and limited to let it just pass by mindlessly. Pay attention to the people in your life, pay attention to the small things that have been graced to you, pay attention to what you take pictures of, those are the things that play the biggest role in your life. Focus on the good times, learn from the negatives and whatever doesn't work out, take a new shot.  


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