Massively Increase Sales With Paid Ads For Consultants & SaaS Companies By Changing Your Market's Negative Limiting Beliefs by William Y.

SaaS Message Automation Limiting Beliefs

1) Message Automation Seems Spammy Or Like A Bot To The Receiver.

2) Not Personalized (Most Common Complaint)

3) Can Lead To Over Messaging Or Overcommunication AKA Burnout and Fatigue

Changing Limiting Beliefs

1) Message automation can be personalized by increasing the customization by only messaging to your ideal client avatar.

Do your research on exactly what your target market wants and their specific problems.

You should know what they do and the obstacles stopping them from reaching their goal.

2) Personalize by asking the right questions about what they want or need. Build customer personas.

Set up automated behavior trigger emails.

Personalize emails by matching them with your landing pages. Add the customer’s first name as the first word in the subject line. This alone increases open rates by over 20%.

3) Space your emails out every 2-4 days

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Change Their Negative Limiting Beliefs

Changing their negative beliefs rather than simply attacking their beliefs like everyone else does will demonstrate high value, empathy, and social intelligence.

Moreover, they will have a stronger sense of trust and emotional connection with you and your brand. Your customers will realize that you are the only one that truly understands what they crave.

Help your audience understand the true problem that is stopping them from getting results. Tell them a story about the damaging consequences of their belief.

I.e. "My friend Peter has been running a medical spa business for 10 years, but has not been able to generate sales over $50K/month no matter what he tries. Peter thinks that using email marketing feels like a bot to receivers and isn't personalized. After I showed him my email marketing automation messages can be personalized by matching to my ideal client avatar and generate $80K+ per month, Peter realized his negative limiting belief about email marketing automation. He later became more flexible and was able to reach the $60K/month mark."

Frame your belief as positive and make it clear that you will reward having a positive, healthy belief.

Busting myths and bringing the truth to light will compel them to trust YOUR solution to THEIR specific problem.

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Reframe Their Limiting Beliefs With A New Perception

You have to reframe by showing the old way of doing things is wrong or damaging.

If people believe organic content marketing is completely useless, you have to help them reframe their limiting beliefs by showing that mindset makes them lose the opportunity to combine the power of paid ads and content marketing.

In reality, combining paid ads and content marketing has way more potential than any of the methods by itself.

Neglecting paid ads or neglecting organic marketing will cause you to leave thousands of potential profits on the table.

What situations in life or business do you think you can change negative limiting beliefs?


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