Money, Money, Money.....Fraud

        Everyone loves money. Money is sometimes the only reason why people go to work. Money not only provides for ourselves, it also provides for everyone. Money is what makes fuels the economy. Sometimes money is so important to someone that they will choose to commit fraud. Fraud is not an accidental error, instead it’s a purpose mistake. Human error and fraud are completely different. Fraud is on purpose, yet human error is an accident due to a miss calculation or error. There are two main types of errors in accounting which are financial statement fraud and assets misappropriation.

        Fraud can happen at anytime, anywhere, and in any business. However, fraud is more likely to occur in a nonprofit business. The reasoning for that is nonprofits do not have many regulations or rules which makes it easier to commit fraud and get away with committing crimes. Fraud can be a single person crime, but it can also be committed by a group of people too. Many times companies have different people dealing with the money collect, counted, and imported into the journal entry. This is done for a reason: each person has a job that contributes to the business and each person that works with the cash records the amount. Each person recording keeps the other workers reliable and honest because everything is recorded and able to be checked.

        Many times, companies establish controls that make fraud difficult to commit or recognizable to the eye of the bosses. Business will do this by creating a business culture by the way they treat their employees, function their business, and their relationships with their clients. Employees will learn from whom they are led by. Many companies will try discover the variety of ways that fraud could be committed and ways their business could be exposed.  Once they are able to figure out those ways, the company is able to establish controls to make it difficult or even impossible commit fraud. The company also needs to keep checking and discovering new ways. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act that was made in 2002 establishes rules that need to be followed and accountants look over businesses information by making sure that everything is recorded accordingly. This act has helped and contributed to stopping fraud within businesses. Fraud is a crime and is something that does occur frequently. People should not be able to get away with fraud. Businesses need to be aware that it can happen anytime, anywhere, and even in group and realize how vital it is to have controls.



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