Thinking Long Term and the ROI

All of us have goals.There are 3 benefits that make Long term thinking the best mindset. 

Those 3 Benefits are as follows: 

1. Future Goals 

2. Self Awareness 

3. Happiness 

Having a future goal allows for the current setbacks and failures to create perspective. Future goals like graduating from college, getting a high paying job or traveling the world creates a sense of focus and direction. Having direction with future goals allows for you not to be distracted by short term ROI (return on investment) like buying new car when you cannot afford it or going to Coachella when you know you would rather save the money for something that will help you in the future. 

Self Awareness allows you to solely focus on you and not allow your desires and goals to be dictated by those around you. An example of this would be how on social media we see things that that our friends did the night before which creates  fear of missing out and distracts us from our future goals and stops us from thinking long term. 

And lastly, Happiness. According to the Oxford English Dictionary happiness is defined as “The quality or condition of being happy” According to Gary Vee who is an entrepreneur, angle investor and motivational speaker he says in his video. “How practically leads to happiness” the best version of happiness is to do whatever you want whenever you want and that the majority of the reason as to why people are unhappy is because they chase materialistic things to impress people that they despise.

“How practically leads to happiness”



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