How To Care For Neutered Cats

Neutering refers to the surgical procedure of removing a male cat’s reproductive organs. For pet owners, neutering their pets is one way to prevent unwanted behaviors when they reach puberty.

After neutering, the vet will put the cat in a cage. Remember that the vet will use anesthesia during the procedure. Nausea is one of the effects of anesthesia. The cat will be groggy or nauseous as he wakes up from the procedure.

The cat may refuse to eat after the procedure. But don't worry because the effect of anesthesia will lapse the next day. The cat is allowed to go home when it can stand and walk.

The vet will give medication instructions and other post-surgery instructions. You can put the cat in a crate as it further recovers. The recovery period usually lasts up to two days, so don't put your cat in any physical activities for a while.

 If you have any concerns about your pet, contact your animal hospital Spring Hill, TN.


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