Pod Dermatitis In Dogs

Pod dermatitis is an inflammation of the feet or paws caused by various conditions, including infections, allergies, hormone imbalances, immune-mediated illnesses, tumors, and environmental contaminants.

Infestation of parasites and contact dermatitis are two prevalent causes. Ticks, fleas, and mites love to hide in the dog's paw pads. Infestations can cause severe itching, which can stress out your pet. To relieve the itch, affected dogs go aggressively gnaw, scratch, or bite their paws.

Contact dermatitis is another cause of red paws in dogs, which generally occurs when your dog's feet come into touch with chemicals or materials to which they have sensitivity. Housecleaning chemicals, textiles, garden treatments, and salts on ice roadways are all examples of irritants.

If your dog has persistent itchy and red paws, consult your veterinarian. Your veterinarian Burlington, ON may conduct a physical examination, diagnostic tests and prescribe some medications to mitigate the swelling. At home, it would also help to do regular cleaning to eliminate irritants.


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