Regular icosahedron


In geometry, the regular icosahedron (or simply icosahedron) is a convex polyhedron that can be constructed from pentagonal antiprism by attaching two pentagonal pyramids with regular faces to each of its pentagonal faces, or by putting points onto the cube. The resulting polyhedron has 20 equilateral triangles as its faces, 30 edges, and 12 vertices. It is an example of a Platonic solid and of a deltahedron. The icosahedral graph represents the skeleton of a regular icosahedron.

Regular icosahedron
TypeGyroelongated bipyramid
Vertex configuration
Symmetry groupIcosahedral symmetry
Dihedral angle (degrees)138.190 (approximately)
Dual polyhedronRegular dodecahedron

Many polyhedra are constructed from the regular icosahedron. For example, most of the Kepler–Poinsot polyhedron is constructed by faceting. Some of the Johnson solids can be constructed by removing the pentagonal pyramids. The regular icosahedron has many relations with other Platonic solids, one of them is the regular dodecahedron as its dual polyhedron and has the historical background on the comparison mensuration. It also has many relations with other polytopes.

The appearance of regular icosahedron can be found in nature, such as the virus with icosahedral-shaped shells and radiolarians. Other applications of the regular icosahedron are the usage of its net in cartography, twenty-sided dice that may have been found in ancient times and role-playing games.



The regular icosahedron can be constructed like other gyroelongated bipyramids, started from a pentagonal antiprism by attaching two pentagonal pyramids with regular faces to each of its faces. These pyramids cover the pentagonal faces, replacing them with five equilateral triangles, such that the resulting polyhedron has 20 equilateral triangles as its faces.[1] This process construction is known as the gyroelongation.[2]

Three mutually perpendicular golden ratio rectangles, with edges connecting their corners, form a regular icosahedron.

Another way to construct it is by putting two points on each surface of a cube. In each face, draw a segment line between the midpoints of two opposite edges and locate two points with the golden ratio distance from each midpoint. These twelve vertices describe the three mutually perpendicular planes, with edges drawn between each of them.[3] Because of the constructions above, the regular icosahedron is Platonic solid, a family of polyhedra with regular faces. A polyhedron with only equilateral triangles as faces is called a deltahedron. There are only eight different convex deltahedra, one of which is the regular icosahedron.[4]

The regular icosahedron can also be constructed starting from a regular octahedron. All triangular faces of a regular octahedron are breaking, twisting at a certain angle, and filling up with other equilateral triangles. This process is known as snub, and the regular icosahedron is also known as snub octahedron.[5]

One possible system of Cartesian coordinate for the vertices of a regular icosahedron, giving the edge length 2, is:   where   denotes the golden ratio.[6]




3D model of a regular icosahedron

The insphere of a convex polyhedron is a sphere inside the polyhedron, touching every face. The circumsphere of a convex polyhedron is a sphere that contains the polyhedron and touches every vertex. The midsphere of a convex polyhedron is a sphere tangent to every edge. Therefore, given that the edge length   of a regular icosahedron, the radius of insphere (inradius)  , the radius of circumsphere (circumradius)  , and the radius of midsphere (midradius)   are, respectively:[7]  

The surface area of a polyhedron is the sum of the areas of its faces. Therefore, the surface area   of a regular icosahedron is twenty times that of each of its equilateral triangle faces. The volume   of a regular icosahedron can be obtained as twenty times that of a pyramid whose base is one of its faces and whose apex is the icosahedron's center; or as the sum of two uniform pentagonal pyramids and a pentagonal antiprism. The expressions of both are:[8]   A problem dating back to the ancient Greeks is determining which of two shapes has a larger volume, an icosahedron inscribed in a sphere, or a dodecahedron inscribed in the same sphere. The problem was solved by Hero, Pappus, and Fibonacci, among others.[9] Apollonius of Perga discovered the curious result that the ratio of volumes of these two shapes is the same as the ratio of their surface areas.[10] Both volumes have formulas involving the golden ratio, but taken to different powers.[11] As it turns out, the icosahedron occupies less of the sphere's volume (60.54%) than the dodecahedron (66.49%).[a]

The dihedral angle of a regular icosahedron can be calculated by adding the angle of pentagonal pyramids with regular faces and a pentagonal antiprism. The dihedral angle of a pentagonal antiprism and pentagonal pyramid between two adjacent triangular faces is approximately 38.2°. The dihedral angle of a pentagonal antiprism between pentagon-to-triangle is 100.8°, and the dihedral angle of a pentagonal pyramid between the same faces is 37.4°. Therefore, for the regular icosahedron, the dihedral angle between two adjacent triangles, on the edge where the pentagonal pyramid and pentagonal antiprism are attached is 37.4° + 100.8° = 138.2°.[12]


Illustration of a icosahedral symmetry. The five-fold, three-fold, and two-fold are labeled in blue, red, and magenta respectively. The mirror planes are the cyan great circle.

The regular icosahedron has six five-fold rotation axes passing through two opposite vertices, ten three-fold axes rotating a triangular face, and fifteen two-fold axes passing through any of its edges. It has fifteen mirror planes as in a cyan great circle on the sphere meeting at order   angles, dividing a sphere into 120 triangles fundamental domains. The full symmetry group of the icosahedron (including reflections) is known as the full icosahedral symmetry  .[13] It is isomorphic to the product of the rotational symmetry group and the cyclic group of size two, generated by the reflection through the center of the regular icosahedron.[14]

The rotational symmetry group of the regular icosahedron is isomorphic to the alternating group on five letters. This non-abelian simple group is the only non-trivial normal subgroup of the symmetric group on five letters.[15] Since the Galois group of the general quintic equation is isomorphic to the symmetric group on five letters, and this normal subgroup is simple and non-abelian, the general quintic equation does not have a solution in radicals. The proof of the Abel–Ruffini theorem uses this simple fact,[16] and Felix Klein wrote a book that made use of the theory of icosahedral symmetries to derive an analytical solution to the general quintic equation.[17]

Icosahedral graph

Icosahedral graph

Every Platonic graph, including the icosahedral graph, is a polyhedral graph. This means that they are planar graphs, graphs that can be drawn in the plane without crossing its edges; and they are 3-vertex-connected, meaning that the removal of any two of its vertices leaves a connected subgraph. According to Steinitz theorem, the icosahedral graph endowed with these heretofore properties represents the skeleton of a regular icosahedron.[18]

The icosahedral graph has twelve vertices, the same number of vertices as a regular icosahedron. These vertices are connected by five edges from each vertex, making the icosahedral graph 5-regular.[19] The icosahedral graph is Hamiltonian, because it has a cycle that can visit each vertex exactly once.[20]

The icosahedral graph is a graceful graph, meaning that each vertex can be labelled with an integer between 0 and 30 inclusive, in such a way that the absolute difference between the labels of an edge's two vertices is different for every edge.[21]


In other Platonic solids


Aside from comparing the mensuration between the regular icosahedron and regular dodecahedron, they are dual to each other. A regular icosahedron can be inscribed in a regular dodecahedron by placing its vertices at the face centers of the dodecahedron, and vice versa.[22]

A regular icosahedron can be inscribed in a regular octahedron by placing its twelve vertices on the twelve edges of the octahedron such that they divide each edge into its two golden sections. Because the golden sections are unequal, there are five different ways to do this consistently, so five disjoint icosahedra can be inscribed in each octahedron.[23]

A regular icosahedron of edge length   can be inscribed in a unit-edge-length cube by placing six of its edges (three orthogonal opposite pairs) on the square faces of the cube, centered on the face centers and parallel or perpendicular to the square's edges.[24] Because there are five times as many icosahedron edges as cube faces, there are five ways to do this consistently, so five disjoint icosahedra can be inscribed in each cube. The edge lengths of the cube and the inscribed icosahedron are in the golden ratio.[b]

Stellations of the icosahedron


The regular icosahedron has a large number of stellations, that is there are many types of regular icosahedron, of which are constructed by extending the faces of a regular icosahedron and its subsequent. Coxeter et al. (1938) in their work stated fifty-nine stellations were identified for the regular icosahedron. Regular icosahedron itself is the zeroth stellation of an icosahedron, and the subsequent stellation is obtained by radiating spikes from the faces of a regular icosahedron. The final stellation includes all of the cells in the icosahedron's stellation diagram, meaning every three intersecting face planes of the icosahedral core intersect either on a vertex of this polyhedron or inside it.[25] The great dodecahedron of Kepler–Poinsot polyhedron is considered part of subsequent stellation.[26]

The six stellations of the regular icosahedron according to Coxeter et al. (1938): regular icosahedron (zeroth), small triambic icosahedron, regular compound of five octahedra, excavated dodecahedron, great icosahedron, and final stellation. See the list for more.

The triakis icosahedron is the Catalan solid constructed by attaching the base of triangular pyramids onto each face of a regular icosahedron, the Kleetope of an icosahedron.[27] The truncated icosahedron is an Archimedean solid constructed by truncating the vertices of a regular icosahedron; the resulting polyhedron may be considered as a football because of having a pattern of numerous hexagonal and pentagonal faces.[28]

The great dodecahedron has other ways to construct from the regular icosahedron. Aside from the stellation, the great dodecahedron can be constructed by faceting the regular icosahedron, meaning it started by removing the pentagonal faces of the regular icosahedron without removing the vertices or creating a new one; or forming a regular pentagon by each of the five vertices inside of a regular icosahedron, and twelve regular pentagons intersecting each other, making a pentagram as its vertex figure.[29]

A Johnson solid is a polyhedron whose faces are all regular but not uniform. This means the Johnson solids do not include the Archimedean solids, the Catalan solids, the prisms, or the antiprisms. Some of their construction involves the removal of the part of a regular icosahedron, a process known as diminishment. They are gyroelongated pentagonal pyramid, metabidiminished icosahedron, and tridiminished icosahedron, which remove one, two, and three pentagonal pyramids from the icosahedron, respectively.[2] The similar dissected regular icosahedron has two adjacent vertices diminished, leaving two trapezoidal faces.

Regular icosahedron and its non-convex variant, which differs from Jessen's icosahedron in having different vertex positions and non-right-angled dihedrals

A similar shape started by keeping the vertices of a regular icosahedron in their original positions and replacing certain pairs of equilateral triangles with pairs of isosceles triangles. The resulting polyhedron has the non-convex version of the regular icosahedron. Nonetheless, it is occasionally incorrectly known as Jessen's icosahedron because of the similar visual, of having the same combinatorial structure and symmetry as Jessen's icosahedron;[c] the difference is the non-convex one does not form a tensegrity structure and does not have right-angled dihedrals.[30]

The regular icosahedron is part of the jitterbug transformation. This is the process of progressively transforming the cuboctahedron's rigid struts and flexible vertices into both regular icosahedron and regular octahedron.[31]

Relations to the polytopes


The icosahedron is the dimensional analogue of the 600-cell, a regular 4-dimensional polytope.[32] The 600-cell has icosahedral cross sections of two sizes, and each of its 120 vertices is an icosahedral pyramid; the icosahedron is the vertex figure of the 600-cell. Another polytope with regular icosahedrons as its cell is the semiregular 4-polytope of snub 24-cell.

As mentioned above, the regular icosahedron is unique among the Platonic solids in possessing a dihedral angle is approximately 138.19°. Thus, just as hexagons have angles not less than 120° and cannot be used as the faces of a convex regular polyhedron because such a construction would not meet the requirement that at least three faces meet at a vertex and leave a positive defect for folding in three dimensions, icosahedra cannot be used as the cells of a convex regular polychoron because, similarly, at least three cells must meet at an edge and leave a positive defect for folding in four dimensions (in general for a convex polytope in n dimensions, at least three facets must meet at a peak and leave a positive defect for folding in n-space). However, when combined with suitable cells having smaller dihedral angles, icosahedra can be used as cells in semi-regular polychora (for example the snub 24-cell), just as hexagons can be used as faces in semi-regular polyhedra (for example the truncated icosahedron). Finally, non-convex polytopes do not carry the same strict requirements as convex polytopes, and icosahedra are indeed the cells of the icosahedral 120-cell, one of the ten non-convex regular polychora.


Twenty-sided dice from Ptolemaic of Egypt, inscribed with Greek letters at the faces.
The Scattergories twenty-sided die, excluding the six letters Q, U, V, X, Y, and Z.

Dice are the most common objects using different polyhedra, one of them being the regular icosahedron. The twenty-sided die was found in many ancient times. One example is the die from the Ptolemaic of Egypt, which later used Greek letters inscribed on the faces in the period of Greece and Rome.[33] Another example was found in the treasure of Tipu Sultan, which was made out of gold and with numbers written on each face.[34] In several roleplaying games, such as Dungeons & Dragons, the twenty-sided die (labeled as d20) is commonly used in determining success or failure of an action. It may be numbered from "0" to "9" twice, in which form it usually serves as a ten-sided die (d10); most modern versions are labeled from "1" to "20".[35] Scattergories is another board game in which the player names the category entires on a card within a given set time. The naming of such categories is initially with the letters contained in every twenty-sided dice.[36]

The radiolarian Circogonia icosahedra
Dymaxion map, created by the net of a regular icosahedron

The regular icosahedron may also appear in many fields of science as follows:

  • In virology, herpes virus have icosahedral shells. The outer protein shell of HIV is enclosed in a regular icosahedron, as is the head of a typical myovirus.[37] Several species of radiolarians discovered by Ernst Haeckel, described its shells as the like-shaped various regular polyhedra; one of which is Circogonia icosahedra, whose skeleton is shaped like a regular icosahedron.[38]
  • In chemistry, the closo-carboranes are compounds with a shape resembling the regular icosahedron.[39] The crystal twinning with icosahedral shapes also occurs in crystals, especially nanoparticles.[40] Many borides and allotropes of boron such as α- and β-rhombohedral contain boron B12 icosahedron as a basic structure unit.[41]
  • In cartography, R. Buckminster Fuller used the net of a regular icosahedron to create a map known as Dymaxion map, by subdividing the net into triangles, followed by calculating the grid on the Earth's surface, and transferring the results from the sphere to the polyhedron. This projection was created during the time that Fuller realized that the Greenland is smaller than South America.[42]
  • In the Thomson problem, concerning the minimum-energy configuration of   charged particles on a sphere, and for the Tammes problem of constructing a spherical code maximizing the smallest distance among the points, the minimum solution known for   places the points at the vertices of a regular icosahedron, inscribed in a sphere. This configuration is proven optimal for the Tammes problem, but a rigorous solution to this instance of the Thomson problem is unknown.[43]
Sketch of a regular icosahedron by Johannes Kepler
Kepler's Platonic solid model of the Solar System

As mentioned above, the regular icosahedron is one of the five Platonic solids. The regular polyhedra have been known since antiquity, but are named after Plato who, in his Timaeus dialogue, identified these with the five elements, whose elementary units were attributed these shapes: fire (tetrahedron), air (octahedron), water (icosahedron), earth (cube) and the shape of the universe as a whole (dodecahedron). Euclid's Elements defined the Platonic solids and solved the problem of finding the ratio of the circumscribed sphere's diameter to the edge length.[44] Following their identification with the elements by Plato, Johannes Kepler in his Harmonices Mundi sketched each of them, in particular, the regular icosahedron.[45] In his Mysterium Cosmographicum, he also proposed a model of the Solar System based on the placement of Platonic solids in a concentric sequence of increasing radius of the inscribed and circumscribed spheres whose radii gave the distance of the six known planets from the common center. The ordering of the solids, from innermost to outermost, consisted of: regular octahedron, regular icosahedron, regular dodecahedron, regular tetrahedron, and cube.[46]




  1. ^ Numerical values for the volumes of the inscribed Platonic solids may be found in Buker & Eggleton 1969.
  2. ^ Reciprocally, the edge length of a cube inscribed in a dodecahedron is in the golden ratio to the dodecahedron's edge length. The cube's edges lie in pentagonal face planes of the dodecahedron as regular pentagon diagonals, which are always in the golden ratio to the regular pentagon's edge. When a cube is inscribed in a dodecahedron and an icosahedron is inscribed in the cube, the dodecahedron and icosahedron that do not share any vertices have the same edge length.
  3. ^ Incorrect descriptions of Jessen's icosahedron as having the same vertex positions as a regular icosahedron include:
    • Wells, David (1991). The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Geometry. London: Penguin. p. 161.
    • Jessen's Orthogonal Icosahedron on MathWorld (old version, subsequently fixed)


  1. ^
  2. ^ a b Berman 1971.
  3. ^ Cromwell 1997, p. 70.
  4. ^
  5. ^ Kappraff 1991, p. 475.
  6. ^ Steeb, Hardy & Tanski 2012, p. 211.
  7. ^
    • MacLean 2007, p. 43–44
    • Coxeter 1973, Table I(i), pp. 292–293. See column " ", where   is Coxeter's notation for the midradius, also noting that Coxeter uses   as the edge length (see p. 2).
  8. ^
  9. ^ Herz-Fischler 2013, p. 138–140.
  10. ^ Simmons 2007, p. 50.
  11. ^ Sutton 2002, p. 55.
  12. ^
  13. ^
  14. ^ Seidel 1991, p. 364.
  15. ^ Gray 2018, p. 371.
  16. ^ Rotman 1998, p. 74–75.
  17. ^ Klein 1884. See icosahedral symmetry: related geometries for further history, and related symmetries on seven and eleven letters.
  18. ^ Bickle 2020, p. 147.
  19. ^ Fallat & Hogben 2014, p. 29, Section 46.
  20. ^ Hopkins 2004.
  21. ^ Gallian 1998.
  22. ^ Herrmann & Sally 2013, p. 257.
  23. ^ Coxeter et al. 1938, p. 4.
  24. ^ Borovik 2006, pp. 8–9, §5. How to draw an icosahedron on a blackboard.
  25. ^
  26. ^ Wenninger 1971, p. 23–69.
  27. ^ Brigaglia, Palladino & Vaccaro 2018.
  28. ^
  29. ^
  30. ^ Pugh 1976b, p. 11, 26.
  31. ^ Verheyen 1989.
  32. ^ Barnes 2012, p. 79.
  33. ^
  34. ^ Cromwell 1997, p. 4.
  35. ^ "Dungeons & Dragons Dice". Retrieved August 20, 2019.
  36. ^ Flanagan & Gregory 2015, p. 85.
  37. ^ Strauss & Strauss 2008, p. 35–62.
  38. ^
  39. ^ Spokoyny 2013.
  40. ^ Hofmeister 2004.
  41. ^ Dronskowski, Kikkawa & Stein 2017, p. 435–436.
  42. ^ Cromwell 1997, p. 7.
  43. ^ Whyte 1952.
  44. ^ Heath 1908, p. 262, 478, 480.
  45. ^ Cromwell 1997, p. 55.
  46. ^ Livio 2003, p. 147.


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  • A discussion of viral structure and the icosahedron
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  • [1] Principle of virus architecture
Family An Bn I2(p) / Dn E6 / E7 / E8 / F4 / G2 Hn
Regular polygon Triangle Square p-gon Hexagon Pentagon
Uniform polyhedron Tetrahedron OctahedronCube Demicube DodecahedronIcosahedron
Uniform polychoron Pentachoron 16-cellTesseract Demitesseract 24-cell 120-cell600-cell
Uniform 5-polytope 5-simplex 5-orthoplex5-cube 5-demicube
Uniform 6-polytope 6-simplex 6-orthoplex6-cube 6-demicube 122221
Uniform 7-polytope 7-simplex 7-orthoplex7-cube 7-demicube 132231321
Uniform 8-polytope 8-simplex 8-orthoplex8-cube 8-demicube 142241421
Uniform 9-polytope 9-simplex 9-orthoplex9-cube 9-demicube
Uniform 10-polytope 10-simplex 10-orthoplex10-cube 10-demicube
Uniform n-polytope n-simplex n-orthoplexn-cube n-demicube 1k22k1k21 n-pentagonal polytope
Topics: Polytope familiesRegular polytopeList of regular polytopes and compounds
Notable stellations of the icosahedron
Regular Uniform duals Regular compounds Regular star Others
(Convex) icosahedron Small triambic icosahedron Medial triambic icosahedron Great triambic icosahedron Compound of five octahedra Compound of five tetrahedra Compound of ten tetrahedra Great icosahedron Excavated dodecahedron Final stellation
The stellation process on the icosahedron creates a number of related polyhedra and compounds with icosahedral symmetry.